Measurement Reliability and Validity - Measurement Reliability and Validity | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view . You cannot draw valid conclusions from a test score unless you are sure that the test is reliable. As mentioned in Key Concepts, reliability and validity are closely related. The use of portfolio is critiqued based on both validity and reliability of the assessment instrument, and also on conformity with the concept of formative assessment. Reading Vocabulary and Sentence Structure 2. Use language that is similar to what you’ve used in class, so as not to confuse students. Practicality You should be careful that any test you select is both reliable and valid for your situation. What do these numbers mean? An assessment demonstrates construct validity if it is related to other assessments measuring the same psychological construct–a construct being a concept used to explain behavior (e.g., intelligence, honesty).For example, intelligence is a construct that is used to explain a person’s ability to understand and solve problems. Validity will tell you how good a test is for a particular situation; reliability will tell you how trustworthy a score on that test will be. Types of Reliability . This indicates that the assessment checklist has low inter-rater reliability (for example, because the criteria are too subjective). SushilS, Verma N. Questionnaire validation made easy. VALIDITY Validity is an indication of how sound your research is. PPT – Construct Validity and Reliability PowerPoint presentation | free to view - id: 1dfefe-ZDc1Z. EXPLORING RELIABILITY IN ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT . VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY 3 VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY 3.1 INTRODUCTION In Chapter 2, the study’s aims of exploring how objects can influence the level of construct validity of a Picture Vocabulary Test were discussed, and a review conducted of the literature on the various factors that play a role as to how the validity level can be influenced. Determining Validity and Reliability of Key Assessments - Title: Determining Validity and Reliability of Key Assessments Author: Susan Malone Last modified by: Fran Jackson Created Date: 5/12/2012 3:19:57 PM | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view . Reliability, Validity, And Scaling PPT. This is Part 1 of the online web series on Reliability and Validity Assessment. PolitDF, Cheryl Tatano Beck. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT PSY4270/PSY4503. Reliability in the assessment of student learning is also about accuracy and consistency and, as a rule, the higher the stakes of the decision we want to make based on assessment information, the more accurate and consistent we want the information to be. Published on September 6, 2019 by Fiona Middleton. An assessment that has very low reliability will also have low validity; clearly a measurement with very poor accuracy or consistency is unlikely to be fit for its purpose. Validity tells you how accurately a method measures something. Pattern of the answers 3. 1987;136:699–700. The assessment of reliability and validity is an ongoing process. The instrument validity and reliability were determined using Rash model analysis. To determine stability, a measure or test is repeated on the same subjects at a future date. Concurrent Predivtive Validity Validity Content Validity The extent to which the assessment is representative of the domain on interest. Reliability refers to the extent to which assessments are consistent. Download Share Share. Assessment: Difficult: Easy: Definition of Validity. This assessment is often used to demonstrate the concepts of reliability and validity. It is the degree to which a research study measures what it intends to measure. Validity is measured through a coefficient, with high validity closer to 1 and low validity closer to 0. View Validity and Reliability Slides class.ppt from ME MISC at University of Texas, San Antonio. Internal consistency : The consistency of the measurement itself: do you get the same results from different parts of a test that are designed to measure the same thing? Written by Colin Phelan and Julie Wren, Graduate Assistants, UNI Office of Academic Assessment (2005-06) Reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool produces stable and consistent results. A test produces an estimate of a student’s “true” score, or the score the student would receive if given a perfect test; however, due to imperfect design, tests can rarely, if ever, wholly capture that score. High-stakes decisions need highly reliable information. Reliability is important in the design of assessments because no assessment is truly perfect. Similar to reliability, there are factors that impact the validity of an assessment, including students' reading ability, student self-efficacy, and student test anxiety level. Eur J Sci Res. You design a questionnaire to measure self-esteem. RELIABILITY RELIABILITY Validity is used to determine whether research measures what it intended to measure and to approximate the truthfulness of the results. To better understand this relationship, let's step out of the world of testing and onto a bathroom scale. Results are compared and correlated with the initial test to give a measure of stability. When you do quantitative research, you have to consider the reliability and validity of your methods and instruments of measurement. … 7. Foreign Language Assessment Directory . STABILITY RELIABILITY
Stability reliability (sometimes called test, re-test reliability) is the agreement of measuring instruments over time. A group of participants answer two questions. Validity tells you how accurately a method measures something. Validity and reliability in social science research 111 items can first be given as a test and, subsequently, on the second occasion, the odd items as the alternative form. VALIDITY Presented by: Sheldine R. Abuhan Leavien Chelluh F. Escrin 2. 1: Introduction The system for critique is an assessment strategy of a masters level, 5 credit, academic writing module. Let’s explore those concepts of reliability, validity and practicality a little bit more #1 Reliability. It is the most important yardstick that signals the degree to which research instrument gauges, what it is supposed to measure. View reliability and validity.ppt from PSYCHOLGY 3 at Monash South Africa Incorporated in Australia External Non-Profit Company. The Adobe Flash plugin is needed to view this content. VALIDITY VALIDITY VS. Presentations. VALIDITY • the degree to which a test actually measures what it tries to measure. 3. Content validity usually is based on wheter the assessment appropriately measures or samples the domain of instructional material presented to the student. Validity in Assessment 1. Keep the instruction language simple and give an example. Actions . 80 55 47 99 94 39 68 71 79 56 88 93 86 88. Arrangement of the test items 4. As well as reliability, it’s also important that an assessment is valid, i.e. Continuing the kitchen scale metaphor, a scale might consistently show the wrong weight; in such a case, the scale is reliable but not valid. Even when a test is reliable, it may not be valid. 80 55 47 99 94 39 68 71 79 56 88 … Validity and Reliability. Thus, tests should aim to be reliable, or to get as close to that true score as possible. The reliability and validity of scores from assessments are two concepts that are closely knit together and feed into each other. Reliability and validity are two concepts that are important for defining and measuring bias and distortion. Understanding Validity and Reliability in Classroom, School-Wide, or District-Wide Assessments to be used in Teacher/Principal Evaluations Warren Shillingburg, PhD January 2016 Introduction As expectations have risen and requirements for student growth expectations have increased across the country, more and more school districts are being asked to develop local assessments and to use … Practice: Ask several friends to complete the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. measures what it is supposed to. Internal Validity: Ability to rule out plausible rival hypotheses. Internal validity: Some Factors that Affect the Validity of a Test 1. What do these numbers mean? 6: Reliability And Validity In Measurement And Research PPT. A reliable test means that it should give the same results for similar groups of students and with different people marking. Get the plugin now. Determining Validity and Reliability of Key Assessments Author: Susan Malone Last modified by: Fran Jackson Created Date: 5/12/2012 3:19:57 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Company: Mercer University Other titles: Concourse Determining Validity and Reliability of Key Assessments Standard 2a excerpt: Avoidance of Bias Avoidance of Bias -- continued Fairness … View by Category Toggle navigation. Presentation Summary : 4. alpha is the best measure of internal consistency reliability. 2010;46(2):172–8. In order for assessments to be sound, they must be free of bias and distortion. Presentation Summary : Statistical Conclusion Validity: Are the statistical conclusions well-grounded? SEMESTER 1, … Module 3: Reliability (screen 2 of 4) Reliability and Validity. The results of this study showed a good-excellent criterion validity between PPT measured with a digital algometer as compared to HHD and the inter and intra-rater reliability of HHD to assess PPT was excellent. CMAJ. The corrected correlation coefficient between the even and odd item test scores will indicate the relative stability of the behaviour over that period of time. Using pressure algometers, novice raters demonstrated substantial reliability in PPT assessment in healthy and pathological populations (Walton et al., 2011). Marianne Miserandino’s Ice Cream Personality Test can help illustrate their overlap and differences. But, by the same token, the things required to achieve a very high degree of reliability can impact negatively on validity. The four types of validity. The reliability and validity of a measure is not established by any single study but by the pattern of results across multiple studies. Exercises. In statistics, the term validity implies utility. In quantitative research, you have to consider the reliability and validity of your methods and measurements. Remove this presentation Flag as Inappropriate I Don't Like This I like this Remember as a Favorite. Ch. To learn more about validity, see my earlier post 5. alpha > .80 = : ) 6. drop items if it increases alpha. Revised on June 19, 2020. Interrater reliability. Validity and Reliability in Medical Education Assessment: Current Concepts Congreso Nacional De Educacion Medica Puebla, Mexico 12 January, 2007 Steven M. Downing, PhD Department of Medical Education University of Illinois at Chicago C. Reliability and Validity.